Leadership Contestants

A leadership contestant is a person seeking to be the leader of a registered party.  A leadership contest is the party’s process to select a new leader.

Leadership contestants must register with Elections Alberta, maintain up-to-date registration information, and submit a financial return to disclose their financial activities.  Parties must inform Elections Alberta before they hold a leadership contest and must report the results following the contest. For the complete guide on leadership contest fundraising, spending, and reporting rules click here.

Registered Leadership Contestants

No leadership contestants are registered at this time.


A registered leadership contestant can only accept contributions from persons ordinarily resident in Alberta and only during the leadership contestant’s campaign period. Contributions can be money or in-kind donations of goods or services.

The maximum a contestant can receive is $5,000 per person during the campaign period, less any contributions the contributor may make to registered parties, constituency associations, candidates, and other leadership contestants in the year. The rules also apply to leadership contestants who self-fund their campaigns.

The contestant’s chief financial officer is responsible for reporting contributions to Elections Alberta and issuing official contribution receipts to contributors. Receipts issued for contributions to leadership contestants can be claimed for income tax credits.

Click here for more information on contributions and tax receipts, including previous limits and rules.

Fundraising Events

A registered leadership contestant or any person acting on the contestant’s behalf can hold events and activities during the leadership contestant’s campaign period only, to raise funds for their campaign. Examples of fundraising events include a luncheon, meet & greet, rally, golf tournament, silent auction etc. Contribution rules limit who can pay to attend events or who can donate/bid at a silent auction. All fundraising revenues and expenses must be reported on the candidate’s campaign return.

Click here for more information on fundraising events.

Expense Limits

There is no limit on the amount a registered leadership contestant can spend on their campaign.

Click here for more information on expense limits.

Filing Deadlines

Leadership contestants must disclose their financial activities to Elections Alberta by filing a campaign period return within four months after the leadership vote. Audited financial statements are required if campaign expenses exceed $25,000. Automatic late filing fees apply for failure to file a report or return on time.

Click here for more information on filing deadlines.

Financial Reporting

View registration and financial information for leadership contestants and contests.

View Financial Reporting Website

Online Financial System (OFS)

Registered leadership contestants and their chief financial officers are granted access to Elections Alberta’s secure Online Financial System to report contributions, issue official contribution receipts to contributors, and submit financial returns.

Contact us for access and login queries.

Login to OFS