International Day of Democracy
September 13, 2017

Today, the City of Edmonton is holding a panel discussion around democracy, with the talk focusing upon two videos released by the United Nations.
View the videos here:
- International Day of Democracy
- Building Effective Accountable and Inclusive Institutions to Achieve Sustainable Development
Respond to the questions below:
Question 1: This year’s theme of democracy and conflict prevention focuses on the critical need to strengthen democratic institutions to promote peace and stability. A more integrated approach to foster resilient societies calls for effective and inclusive democratic governance with respect for human rights and the rule of law. All of you work with these principles each day – can you tell us about how you apply these themes in your daily work?
Question 2: We are fortunate to live in a society where these principles of democracy are generally supported. However, there is always room for improvement and growth of a democratic culture – where can you see the room for improvements?
Question 3: We typically have a low voter turnout for a variety of reasons – complacency and sometimes disengagement, either purposeful or the result of apathy, are often the culprits. What suggestions do you have for engaging Edmontonians in the democratic process?
Feel free to join in! – Watch the videos online and respond to the questions via our Facebook or Twitter. We’d love to hear your responses!
Posted in: General